Suggested Class Listing for Weaving
Over the past few years, I've considered attempting to collect a series of classes notes/documents related to weaving that could be used to teach a class with little advanced warning.
While trying to determine a list of classes, it became very clear that weavers, when it comes to learning, are hampered by "the chicken or the egg" scenarios. For instance, in order to warp a loom, one needs to have familiarity with project planning as related to weaving, how to interpret a weaving draft and understanding of the yarns being used. However, to best understand a weaving draft, one should have a more than passing understanding of how a loom is warped. Which is why my instructors followed a simple structure of:
- Step one: Instructor warps the loom using yarn chosen from yarns previously selected by the instructor. Student acts as helper. Student weaves the item. During this, instructor introduces simple hemstitching to secure the warp, possibly a simple fringe and simple wet-finishing. Afterwards, the instructor evaluates the piece and points out any errors and likely corrrections.
- Step two: Student warps the loom with yarn chosen by the instructor. Instructor acts as helping hand and guide. Student weaves then finishes the project. Instructor, again, evaluates the weaving.
- Step three: Student warps the loom with yarn chosen under guidance of the instructor. Instructor periodically checks that progress going correctly and makes suggestions as needed. Student weaves then finishes the project. Instructor, again, evaluates the weaving.
- Step four: Instructor 'introduces' weaving drafts to the student. Usually, this step serves only to fill in missing information such as terms and corrects any misinterpretations.
During this process, the student begins understanding how the yarn affects the weaving and starts gaining experience in the weaving and finishing processes. In a best case scenario, this is handled in a multi-day class structure. In the SCA, outside of a local weaving guild, this is a difficult scenario to recreate. I have taught warping classes, but, with limited time, have been relegated to strongly encouraging students to seek out other instructors, This is not really a bad thing. In my weaving, I hold the following maxims:
- The only correct method to weave is the method that works best for the weaver.
- The best way to learn which method works best is to take the same class from at least three unrelated teachers. Keep what works, toss what doesn't.
- Imitation might be a form of flattery, but when it comes to process of weaving, it is almost a sure way to self-destruction.
And then the 'chicken or the egg' scenario. It would be great to be able to commit to a five day workshop but this is not a feasible solution. Suggestions for finding other teachers, for many, is also not feasible. It's great to suggest that a new weaver seek out a guild but not really a practical option when the nearest guild is 6 hours driving away.
So, the question remains, "how can I structure a list of classes so that they can be taught individually and random times while giving a coherant structure and, at the same time, give new weavers, the chance to take it from multiple instructors with varying points of view?".
The answer, I think, is to have a central collection of classes for any teacher to download and use in a class.
For this to work, I think class docs should include a teacher guide that contain the common points of the subject and a student handout. The student handout should be flexible enough that the teacher can present their point of view without appearing in conflict with the handout and thus confusing the student.
Following is a starting list of class topics. The topics are color coded as follows:
General - Topics of interest to all whether they weave or not
Beginner - Topics for a new weaver
Beginner Adv - prereq 'Beginner'
Intermediate - prereq 'Beginner Adv'
Intermediate Adv - prereq 'Intermediate'
Advanced - prereq 'Intermediate Adv'
Beginner Beginner Adv Intermediate Intermediate Adv Advanced General (including non-weavers)
- Weaving on a Floor Loom
- Language of Weaving
- Looms
- Loom types commonly used
- Built to Purpose
- Fabric
- Understanding Weave Structures
- 3 Queens of Weaving
- Plain Weave
- Introduction
- Application
- Twill
- Introduction
- Application
- Satin
- Introduction
- Application
- Two-Tie Unit Weave
- Double Weave
- Profile Drafts
- Samitum
- Lampas
- Supplemental Warp Techniques
- Velvet
- Plain Weave
- Color & Weave
- Weaving for texture (corduroy
- 3 Queens of Weaving
- Understanding Weave Structures
- Yarn
- Fibers
- Wool
- Linen
- Cotton
- Silk
- Blends
- Modern
- Rayon
- Viscose
- Modal
- Lyocell
- Synthetic
- Nylon
- Polyester
- Mercerized Fibers
- Bamboo
- Rayon
- Fibers
- Spinning Introduction (more lecture than hands-on)
- Woolen
- Worsted
- Plying
- Chaining
- Pairing
- Project Planning
- Weaving to Purpose
- Understanding and Determining Setts
- Understanding Weaving Drafts (American & European)
- Determining Yarn Amounts Needed
- Weaving Wool to Full
- Warping
- Methods
- Indirect
- Front-to-back
- Back-to-front
- Direct
- Yarn Staging
- Working with skeins
- Making Bouts
- Beaming the Warp
- Tying-off the Warp
- Direct Tie
- Shoestring
- Lace
- Verifying and Troubleshooting the Warp
- Methods
- Winding Bobbins
- Getting Ready to Weave
- Weaving
- Troubleshooting issues (excessive draw-in, etc.)
- Working with Multiple Shuttles
- Working with Bobbins for Inlay or Brocade
- Using Butterflies
- First Step to Finishing and Securing Your Warp (Hemming)
- Weaving Embellishments
- Leno
- Spanish Lace
- Finishing
- Dry Finish
- Hemstitching
- Fringes
- Wet-Finish
- Simple
- Sizing
- Fulling
- Mangling
- Tentering
- Other
- Beetling
- Calendering
- Moireing
- Dry Finish
- General Topics
- Weaving Posture
- The Knots Weavers Use
- Weaving Environment
- Guide for a Nice Selvage
- Band Weaving
- Looms
- Tablet Weaving
- Looms